With the recent debate and the November election approaching, wouldn't it be nice to know what each of the candidates said previously? What did John McCain say about this issue, and how did Barack Obama reply to that statement or what did he state previously about the same issue?
I feel that many people base their political decisions (vote cast) off of what their friends say or what the last article they read in the newspaper/online blog said about an issue or politician? Google Labs recently released a tool that allows you to search for keywords and compare what politicians have said. Now anyone can get up to date on the issues that are important to them and make decisions from what candidates have actually said.
Click here to go to the site itself Google Labs In Quotes
When you get to the site, notice the drop down menu in the upper right. You can choose a country from the menu or go custom and create your own comparisons. Also, there are drop down menus directly below the politician's picture to chose another person on the fly. I have to say this is a great tool and will be interested in seeing how much flip flopping I can find.
Pay in mind that these tools in the lab are being worked on and the notice at the bottom of Google's own page states:
Please note: These technologies are still in the beginning stages of development, so they may disappear without warning or perform erratically. If something's not working on this page, please come back and try it again later.
[from Google Labs Page]