Description of the picture above:
Explanation: Europe's CERN built the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the most powerful particle accelerator yet created by humans to answer some fundamental questions such as "Why do objects have mass?" It will also look at micro black holes, magnetic monopoles, and explore the possibility that every type of fundamental particle we know about has a nearly invisible supersymmetric counterpart. In the picture above, a person stands in front of the huge ATLAS detector, one of six detectors being attached to the LHC.The Halidron Collider is scheduled for its first "Big Bang" test on Wednesday 09/10/08. This device is supposedly able to create a simulated "Big Bang" or recreate what happened when our universe started out. A lot of the forums and commenters are getting pretty heated about this because they see this as the scientists putting the entire world in danger for an experiment and some of the comments have been quite heated.
According to the scientists, there's no chance that the Earth will cease to exist as CERN scientist activate the Large Hadron Collider this Wednesday. However, feel free to watch using the real-time CERN video broadcast.
The video was just an idea of what could happen to our planet as it has happened 6 times previously in our planet's history according to the text in the video.
one more reason I wish our sound card wasn't broken.
For the time, the Webcast starts Wed, Sep 10 at 09:00 CEST.
that is freaking sweet. I wish that would really happen but I would fly a plane filled with nukes and blow it up before it destroyed the earth.
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